Go Fug Yourself Bloggers for Criticizing Her Red Carpet Looks

 If Only I Had a Dollar For Every Time I’ve Said, ‘Oh My God Olivia Munn,’ Jessica called Olivia’s striped, multicolored Peter Pilotto suit “not as terrifying” as the last time one of the actress’s looks was featured on the blog. Olivia cited this post in her essay as proof that the women are not “legitimate critics.


She compared that criticism to what students at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in Maryland recently experienced. </blockquote >They fought back against a group of teenage boys who were ranking and rating girls based on their appearance.

“These girls refused to accept the excuse that ‘boys will be boys,’ instead they banded together to educate their peers and community about the damage caused by objectifying women based on a ‘point system’ — not unlike what The Fug Girls do on a bigger platform,” Olivia wrote. “They’ve inspired me to also reject the ‘blogs will be blogs’ mentality that also pervades our social consciousness.”
Many people felt that Olivia likening criticism of her clothes to harassment of high school students is wrong, and that “punch[ing] down” at her critics is “irresponsible.” Others pointed out that while The Fug Girls critique celebrity fashion choices, they “never make fun of someone’s looks or weight.”