Fashion style for cold season

E all know this tune. “Oh, the weather outside is frightful!” But when it comes to that glorious time towards the end of the year—a time of peppermint mocha, string lights, forgotten diets, shiny wrapping paper under an abused tree and, most importantly, cold weather outfits—we might as well change the following lyric to ”Damn right it’s so delightful.”

Ever opened your blinds in the morning and see nothing but white? Trees looking like they’re about to flip themselves upside down because of a ”slight” winter breeze? Maybe at this point, you, like myself, closed the curtains right back and gave yourself a serious pep talk due to your unpreparedness. Time for a jacket, fool.

I was born and raised in San Diego. Cold weather just isn’t our thing. Admittedly, throughout the years, I’ve also learned to keep my mouth shut when it comes to anything regarding the thermostat during this time of the year. ”It’s getting cold over here!” I would say to my relatives over the phone, who live on the east coast. ”How cold?” they ask. ”Oh, weatherman says we’ll be getting in the low sixties this weekend.


We even started pulling out extra blankets at night!” At this point the line goes silent, which is eventually broken by a laugh. ”What?” someone says. ”You said what?”