Fashion Events

These days, there are a variety of conferences that cater to fashion bloggers and influencers. Blogging conferences are chock full of tips, best practices and learned lessons from big brands, fashion startups, reps from useful tools and resources (think RewardStyle and MailChimp) and, of course, experienced fashion bloggers.

There are plenty of networking opportunities (read: fun parties) where you can meet other bloggers, and there’s always awesome swag from sponsors who are looking to reach out to bloggers and influencers.

Having attended my fair share of blogger conferences I can say whole-heartedly that they are worth the time, money and energy. They can get expensive, when you factor in travel, hotel, food and conference pass. Create a budget for yourself, look for flight and hotel deals, and see if you might be able to split costs with a buddy – or a blogger friend you have yet to meet IRL!

All that said, here’s a list of blogger conferences that we recommend fashion bloggers and influencers should check out.

Don’t quote us on it, but BlogHer is one of the oldest conferences for female fashion bloggers (and influencers).

BlogHer was founded in 2005 by Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort Page, and Jory Des Jardins to answer the question, “Where are the women bloggers?”

Since then, the conference has become an unstoppable movement, empowering women to find their voices and turn their passions into content, community and commerce, across topics from food and health to parenting and politics. Today, BlogHer events are the largest and most diverse celebration of female content creators, social media influencers, entrepreneurs, media makers and brand marketers.

The Blogalicious ME Experience is a multi-city VIP Day tour with intimate and immersive 1-day workshop intensives geared towards high-engaging influencers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs. Hear from captains of industry. Collaborate in a workshop environment. Implement the strategies for generating revenue on the spot. These VIP Days are meant to be highly intimate and intensive and will be limited to an exclusive number attendees (50-75).